My Bloody Mermaid Punch

Whether you're hosting a party or need to contribute to a friend's party (c'mon they have been struggling with cello-tape and those fake cobwebs for hours) or just fancy staying in and having a Hellraiser marathon, Pirate's Grog have sorted the drinks for Halloween 2016. Just follow these three easy steps...

  • 1 bottle of Pirate's Grog Five Year Rum
  • 2 litres of pomegranate juice
  • 2 litres of freshly squeezed orange juice
  • 130 mls freshly squeezed fresh lime juice (add to taste)
  • 1 litre of pomegranate seltzer or 4 Cans of Melograno e Arancia (Italian loveliness)
  • Blackberries, cherries and pomegranates  



Step 1: Combine the rum, orange, pomegranate, mixed berries and lime juice in a large punch bowl

Step 2: Add the Melograno e Arancia / Carbonated pomegranate before serving

Step 3: Drink the punch, enjoy the dark fruit tang infused with the exceptionally smooth five fear aged Pirate's Grog rum, dance to the monster mash, do your best Kate Bush impression, smear your makeup and wake up looking like that girl from the Ring.

(Disclaimer: No Mermaids will be harmed with this recipe)




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