ur story begins in ‘Hottest Sparrow’, an isolated village deep in the jungle of Roatán. Two far-flung travellers from England fell in love with a blend, and here grew a passion to share this elixir with the world...


As many British travellers have before them, Gareth and Beth left their lives to lose themselves in the allures of foreign lands and feast on the delights there-in.

The ‘Banana Republic’ of Roatán, off the coast of Honduras offered much, and more, of what they desired. Befriending the locals of Hottest Sparrow, days were spent diving the tranquil seas with endless coral and extravagant marine life, learning of herbal medicines and how to hunt the elusive iguanas hiding in jungle. Nights were spent absorbing more of the Caribbean culture, dancing and drinking with fellow travellers and buccaneers.



One thing, one golden, sweet yet fiery potion, provided the perfect accompaniment to this idyllic experience... Pirate’s Grog. So good, that our impassioned travellers sought out the alchemist responsible, and their enquiries brought them to ‘The Dutch Pirate’, Robert J. van der Weg.

An honest, humble and happy man, the Dutch Pirate welcomed the travellers with open arms and a rum in hand… a wonderful relationship was born. In true explorer fashion, our two voyagers returned to the motherland with delights from afar… A golden grog, five year aged in American oak casks, the sweet nectar of pirates and merchants alike… And now for dignitaries like yourselves.




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